The entire world is undergoing a pretty bad phase at the moment. There are hardly jobs in the market due to recession and the situation is only getting worse with one or the other country declaring bankruptcy. In such a time, the only degree that can work is a degree that can advice firms and individuals a good way to manage their money. Naturally, the only degrees fitting this criterion are financial courses.
Let’s brief you about a few courses that will enhance your job prospects as compared to other courses.
• Diploma in finance and accounting: Banks have tremendously cut down on their staff because a lot of employees were fresh B.Com graduates. What companies need is an added expertise, and a diploma in finance can offer you that edge over all the others.
• Diploma in finance and investment: Individuals and small scale businessmen have suffered a lot due to recession. They are consulting investment gurus and financial advisors to help them plan out effective investments that guarantee returns and can put all their money related apprehensions to rest. By getting a diploma in this field, you can open up your own consultancy.
• Masters in economics: We’ve spoken about corporate firms and individual businesses. The only thing that’s left now is the government! With recession hitting the world and inflation taking over big time, government agencies are recruiting economists to plan out favorable policies that can not only bring down the inflation rate, but also increase profitability.