Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stuck with a Low Paying Job? Come Here!

The ongoing recession coupled with the lack of a post graduate degree has seen even the best of people sitting jobless. If at all they get a job, there’s no dignity of labor. Even people holding a bachelor’s degree are slogging for a meager sum of Rs. 3000 – Rs. 6000 per month; such is the disastrous scenario of jobs these days. But after having studied for so many years throughout school and college, is this what you deserve? The projects you did, the field trips you made, the certificates of merit you’ve to your name; all of these certainly qualify for a job worth lakhs, but the system thinks else wise.
The only way you can get a high profile job to your name is by studying further. Now that you’ve studied till college; there’s no harm is studying a couple of years more to secure yourself a lifetime of comfortable job rather than working endless hours for a decade and reach that position. All those looking for the designation of a manager in a business or finance firm, getting Masters in finance is very vital and much needed. A master’s degree can change the way people think about you and the respect you command. Here are some of the benefits for opting to study finance courses as a part of your postgraduate degree:
·         Having a specialization in the field of finance will give you a deep insight regarding industry’s working.
·         You can start with a high paying job, and a good designation such as manager.
·         If you’ve a master’s degree from a Top MBA college, you can get promoted much faster and it will not be long before you head your company!
·         After having put 15-16 years of your life studying, you’d better study for just 2 more years to provide depth and meaning to all the time spent studying.
After completing a bachelor’s degree, people usually have a broad overview of everything, but an in depth knowledge of almost nothing. In depth knowledge will only come by specializing in a certain subject of study. When it comes to finance and business studies, becoming a Certified Financial Planner is also a good option to consider for a post graduate degree. A CFP looks after various financial aspects such as tax planning, investments for retirement, real estate investment, insurance and wealth management etc.
After becoming a Certified Financial Planner, you have the option of starting your own finance firm. Imagine being the owner of an enterprise as opposed to working endless hours under a boss! You can start your own firm providing comprehensive financial advice to the entire family; right from mutual fund investments, wealth management solutions, retirement planning and life insurance policies. You will need a couple of good contacts initially, and once you strike a right chord with them, there’s no stopping you. Word of mouth will ensure that your business takes a positive direction and give you the entire worth of the endless years you’ve spent studying just to make enough money for your family.

1 comment:

  1. After completing a bachelor’s degree, people usually have a broad overview of everything, but an in depth knowledge of almost nothing.

    MBA College
